This week I finished my FIRST crocheted baby blanket and I plan to give it to my dear friend, Becky, for her cutie-pie, Brody. I must say that learning how to crochet was not as easy to do as I originally thought, and I am hopeful that Becky will keep in mind that her “gift” was my first attempt at learning my new craft……
This blog has the purpose of honoring the special people in my life who I feel I owe special thanks to. I definitely am in debt to Becky for the ongoing friendship she has offered me for a long, long time. Beck and I have been friends since the age of FIVE!!! We grew up together in a small town and have a special bond that has only grown stronger over time. We played volleyball together, sat by each other at Sunday school, spent the night at each other’s house whenever our parents would let us and still laugh when we talk about the night my dad teased her about excusing herself from the dinner table. Although we attended different high schools, we still were together on weekends. We suffered through the difficulties of teen break-ups and the giddiness of new romances. I have always been able to count on Becky to be there as a friend. She is loyal and fun and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.
Our friendship grew even stronger during our college years at ISU. Our senior year we were roommates and had a blast! I’ll never forget the night we decided to take a break from partying and went to the movie theatre to see “Armageddon”. We cried for most of the ride home. The more we analyzed the movie, the more we cried, and finally we decided to never go see a movie together again. Later than night Becky knocked on my bedroom door to say something else about the movie and we cried again before laughing hysterically about how crazy we were acting! It was during this time that Becky met her future husband….Josh. I still remember him coming to pick her up for their first date. It was the most giddy I have ever seen her.
Although we don’t get to spend lots of time together anymore, I always look forward to a “date” with Becky. I will be forever grateful to her for the friendship that she has shown me during the “tough” times in my life and how she has stuck by me through thick and thin. She (and Josh) offered their home to me when I was trying to get settled in St. Louis, an offer that that came without any strings attached. She is the true definition of a friend and I am grateful to have her in my life.
1 comment:
ur friend has exactly the same name as me hehehe apart from i am spelt with 2 c's
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