Yes, I know, it has been a long time since you've seen something new from me.
I've heard that you are sick of looking at this cute little dog, so I'm back, with a new picture. Are you happy now Kerri? :)
Back on the blog and back to Cayman. It seems so much easier to write here. No pressures, no worries, everything slows down and relaxation sets in.....well, not for everyone, like John, and the other medical students who inhabit the island. They continue to experience the daily stress of trying to stay afloat during their quest to become physicians. The rest of us seem to slow down to the pace of the island and take things one at a time. I realized during my flight back here that this is my last stretch of time to live on this beautiful island. In August, we leave it all behind to head to an entirely different climate. I made a vow to myself to savor each day here and enjoy the luxury that living on the ocean provides. Each morning I look out at that gorgeous warm blue ocean water and say a prayer thanking God for all the wonderful things I have been blessed with in my life. I think I finally learned how to laugh at all the things that can go wrong here, like our car not starting and being stuck in traffic or unreliable Internet service. It is all part of the package, one that, in the distant future will all seem like a blur as we pack our bags and head north again.