I apologize for my blogging vacation. It has been so hectic trying to get settled into a new place in a new state. John has been spending long hours at the hospital, so I have had my hands full with Gavinator. We've been taking walks every morning and we go swimming every afternoon. Gavin loves the water and splashes and kicks like crazy. It is my life saver...as it is a sure guarantee that he will take a long afternoon nap.
Had a great time with Grandma Karen and Great Grandma Jo during their visit. We shopped 'til we dropped and spent a day at the beach. Gavin loved the ocean waves. We ate lunch at a beachside cafe and enjoyed yummy mango margaritas. We miss them already!
look at your little man! could he possibly be any cuter? i think not!
Congratulations on your baby!!!He is simply adorable. Motherhood does change you.You realize that this little guy is the most important thing in the world, and he comes first.Take lots & lots of pictures because in a blink they are no longer a baby. Cherish every moment with Gavin (even the poopy diapers & sleepless nights).I know you are & will always be a wonderful mom. What a lucky baby boy.
Take Care, Rachel(Herron)
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