Aunt Sarah left today after staying with us for the past 12 days. She is such a cool girl and we are lucky to have her in the family. But, before I post about Sarah's awesomeness, I gotta talk about our trip to Panama City Beach. This past week we drove to Panama City for a 4 day "getaway" from Orlando. Sarah's family was staying there for a week, so we decided to head north for a little vacay. We had such high hopes of having fun. The beach, 2 big pools at the hotel, other little kids for Gav to play with, and a one bedroom condo with a kitchen! WE didn't realize, however, that we were in for it. Everything went wrong! We arrived on Monday afternoon after a 6 hour drive and went straight to the pool. By the time we checked into our room, unpacked, got Gavin situated, and ate dinner we were exhausted. We noticed that our room seemed a bit "dated", but we were too tired to care.
The next morning we realized that our room was awful. I opened the sliding glass door to our balcony and then it would not close. Sat down in the recliner and then it wouldn't un-recline. Pulled out the pull-out couch, sat down and got STUCK in the mattress/frame and couldn't get up. It left a permanent butt print. Pulled a cabinet door off in the kitchen. Everything we touched broke! The furniture was yuck and way old. Luckily we were able to change to a much better room that day. Oh, and had the neighbor from hell. A drunken mom who locked her own children out of the room and passed out- so they banged on the door forEVER trying to get in. I almost beat her up. Was so annoyed.
Next day Gavin's eyes were swollen shut and it looked like pink eye. Luckily Sarah's cousin is a doc and we were able to get meds asap. That night bad storms came through and tornadoes hit down on parts of the beach. The next day we were trying to be optimistic as we took our morning stroll. We noticed birds on the lawn and pointed them out to Gavin. Then we noticed they were eating piles of bright red puke...obviously from someone who had a little too much to drink. We were in the Redneck Riviera. Not sure what has happened to PCB, but the "clientele" has deteriorated. Tattoos, piercings, mullets, cigarettes, and trashiness in general swamped the place. Luckily I was with Sarah, who is one of the funniest people in the world. We were able to laugh it all off and now have good stories to share at family events. was not quite what we were hoping for.
Gavin did pretty well on the beach, although he still tries to rub his eyes with sand on his hands. He loved watching the ocean waves. It mesmerized him.