Last night after work I headed down to the city to meet two dear friends (Renee and Kerri) for dinner. I felt nostalgic as I passed the "Laclede Station Road" exit on Highway 44, the way I took home so many times. The fond memories I have of my first apartment (the GT crizzo as I like to call it) in the big happenin' city of St. Louis all started to come back to me. I thought about how much I miss good ol' Georgetown....the red brick buildings, the leaves that pile high in the fall, the nights that John and I sat on the patio listening to music and conversing about life. As I cruised along the highway I remembered how giddy I felt the first time I wrote my return address using "St. Louis, Missouri". How silly is that!
Anyway, we met at "Biggies", one of our favorite places to go for waffle fries and unlimited refills of superb iced tea. All week long we sent emails about ordering those famous waffle fries. However, upon ordering, I blurted out, "baked ravioli please" and disregarded my week long quest for criss-cross potatoes. Dinner was delicious and I had a blast catching up with the girls. Upon leaving, I told Renee I intended to follow her down the side streets to the main road. She relayed to me her route and told me to follow her until the road came to a dead end. At this point I was to go right. I didn't listen. She turned at the first street we came to, and I didn't. I honked, waved and coasted right on by. As soon as I did it I realized that I had not followed directions. I busted out in laughter as my cell phone rang. On the other end I heard Renee's familiar hearty laugh and we could barely get words out as we giggled about what had just happened. I laughed about it for most of the drive home. I laughed again on my drive into work this morning. To me, this is what life is all about. Those special moments shared with loved ones, the times when "you just had to be there" to get the humor in the situation.