Sometimes you just have to experience something yourself to really understand what other people are talking about. I returned to work this week after an extended maternity leave. I remember Becky telling me how difficult it was for her to initially leave Brody and go back to work, but I did not think much of it.....until this past Friday. I kissed Gavin, got into my car and headed to work. As I merged onto 270 I felt overwhelmingly nauseous. I began to sob thinking that by the time I got back home Gavin would already be tucked in for the evening. Prior to becoming a mommy I couldn't comprehend those feelings- at least how strong they could be. It seems to be getting easier everyday, but I can surely sympathize better now with all those new moms out there who return to work.
On the upside....John is getting a lot of time with Gavin before he resumes the crazy hours associated with school. It is exciting to think that he will soon be a "third year" involved with hospital rotations. Watching him interact with the baby makes me melt....it is so sweet and sterling.
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