This is my favorite picture from my brother's wedding. Eric and Sarah have got to be the cutest couple ever. They truly complement one another. We are blessed to have such an amazing addition to the Danner family! We can't believe that Eric found someone as crazy as we are and that Sarah actually appreciates our insanity.
So, last night John and I met the newlyweds at Xochimilco for dinner. Tuesdays are half-priced fajitas, which means we can afford to go out to dinner! As always we were entertained by Eric and Sarah's goofiness. We relived our funny "guh" moments and got Sarah to admit that she thinks it is even a LITTLE bit funny. A few weeks ago we were all swimming and Eric asked, "Where did my towel guh?" He meant to say "go", but it didn't come out of his mouth all the way. I cracked up laughing at how funny it was (Sarah says that I only egg him on), and we spent the rest of the afternoon trying to find ways to use our new word: guh. A few nights later we retold the story at a family dinner and all laughed so hysterically that no one could eat. We even woke up Gavin! For some reason stories involving Eric get funnier over time. Gotta guh!
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