I was cooking dinner last night and noticed that Gavin was no longer in my sight. He had rolled his way under a chair. When I discovered him, he squealed with delight and giggled as I asked him how he got himself under there.
What a crazy couple of days. Over the weekend John had to go to Miami to take an exam. The drive down turned into a long adventure as it was raining and an accident on the highway brought him to a complete stop for several hours. During his exam, someone broke out the window of his car and stole EVERYthing he had in it. His laptop, GPS, money, medicine, hard drive, etc... were taken. Of course the police officer who arrived to take the report was unconcerned and calloused about John's loss. The next day we decided to go to dinner to get our mind off things. On the way home we were almost hit by a reckless driver. I was like, WHAT is going on??? Then the topper: John was playing with Gavin on the floor. I attempted to step over them at the same time that John popped his head up. We collided and John got a concussion. I'm not even kidding. He said that he hoped one of the doctors asked about his weekend. He could say that he was robbed, had his valuables stolen, then was kicked in the head and knocked out by his wife. WOO HOO.
Is this just bad karma or a bad sitcom? Seriously, the weekend wasn't as bad as it sounds on paper.
WOW!!!!!! So glad you guys are OK. that is craziness. sounds like the week I got back from my honeymoon. HA
I am so glad you can laugh about this!!! JP-I am sooo sorry that happened, I know how sentimental I am about photos, etc, I can't even imagine. Well, at least you weren't hurt (except for the whole getting hit in the head thing...way to go Heidi). In better news, could your son BE any cuter? I think not.
Holy Crizzap Hawdy. that blows. Merry Christmas guys! hugs!
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